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Sustainability Policy

Image by Ingmar H

Lexic.AI Sustainability Policy

Sustainability is one of the fundamental pillars of our vision and mission as an AI technology start-up. We believe that innovation and artificial intelligence can contribute to creating a more fair, equitable and respectful world with the environment, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our sustainability policy is based on the following principles:

Commitment to sustainable development

We support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 SDGs, as well as the principles of the Global Compact on human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption. We integrate these principles into our strategy, culture and operations, and disseminate them among our stakeholders.

Social and environmental responsibility


We strive to generate a positive impact on society and the planet with our AI solutions, which seek to solve real problems and improve the quality of life of people. Likewise, we minimize our environmental impact by optimizing the use of resources, reducing emissions and waste, and promoting the circular economy.

Responsible innovation


We develop our innovative activity with ethical, legal and social criteria, respecting the fundamental values and rights of people. We apply principles of transparency, explainability, fairness and security in the design, development and use of our AI solutions, ensuring their reliability and quality.

Collaboration and participation

We establish strategic alliances with other agents of the innovative ecosystem, such as universities, research centers, companies, public administrations and social organizations, to share knowledge, experiences and good practices in sustainability and AI. Likewise, we encourage active participation and dialogue with our stakeholders to identify their expectations and needs, and offer them adapted and satisfactory solutions. We use low-consumption technical tools for demos, tests and projects in development. We collaborate with suppliers with a Sustainability awareness such as Closca and clients such as GoSupply

To implement our sustainability policy, we commit ourselves to:

  1. Define quantifiable and verifiable objectives and indicators that allow us to measure our performance in sustainability and AI, as well as communicate our progress and results periodically.

  2. Allocate sufficient human, technical and economic resources to ensure compliance with our sustainability and AI policy, as well as promote continuous training and awareness of our team in these areas.

  3. Collaborate actively with organizations, companies, and projects with a clear focus on sustainability policy

  4. Comply with the current legislation and international standards applicable to our activity in sustainability and AI, as well as adopt voluntary measures that imply continuous improvement.

  5. Periodically review our sustainability and AI policy to adapt it to the changes in the environment, new trends and expectations of our stakeholders.

Contact us if you want to know more

Do not hesitate to send us an email about our Sustainability program. Can you help us improve?

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